Sunday, May 5, 2013


Day 4 : Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it

I decided to go a little different way with this and tell you my favorite Bible verse. It's quoting the inspired word of God, I think those are the best kinds of quotes!

My all time favorite Bible verse is Phillipians 3:13. Which says "No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead"

It's definitely not the standard right? Well God spoke to me one night and this verse coincides with it. I dated my high school boyfriend for 3 years and we had recently broken up. He was a pastors kid and I really loved the church, so I stayed there. Obviously being a young teen, that's wasn't my only reason. I was hoping it wasn't really the end for us. But this is beside the point. One night after church, I was sitting out behind the church alone on the swing set watching a lightning storm. There was a beautiful "show" going on in front of me and even lightning happening behind me. I kept trying to catch it all, but I quickly began noticing that every time I turned around to watch the lighting behind me, I would miss something even more spectacular that was happening in front of me. I know that God was teaching me something. All I could focus on at that point in my life was my past and what had happened. But God was showing me that while I was doing that, he was trying to show me even better things right in front of me. All I needed to do was let go and stop worrying about the past and focus ony future.

After that, I was led to this verse. I can't quite remember how, but it always reminds me of that day. It was the day that I decided that I was going to quit focusing on my past and what I couldn't change and start focusing on all the amazing things that God had planned for me in my future.

I just checked my Bible....amidst all the highlighting around the verse, I had written "lightening in front and behind 08/04." Guess this happened in 2004!

(I had written this yesterday, but totally forgot to post! Sorry!)

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