Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Santa Barbara - Part 2

As soon as we pulled into the city of Santa Barbara we saw a sign for the Santa Barbara Zoo.  We looked at each other and thought why not!  I googled the zoo and with a price of $14 for entry we went for it.  The zoo here in Phoenix is more expensicve, so it was nice to see it a little cheaper.
It was a gorgeous day and we saw some fun animals, including these awesome elephant butts!

Some pretty birds :)

This anteater was on a war path.  He kept making the same determined circle around his enclosure and he was quite fast too!  It was hard to get a good pic!

These animals freak me out.  The Capybara. They are the largest rodent in the world. Gross. They remind me of The Princess Bride movie for some reason.  I think in the movie they were huge rats, but close enough!


Me monkeyin around!

I love the look on this lions face. He was loving life!
Its hard to tell with the lighting but this is a tiny fox.  I'd say he was about the size of kitten! I just loved the way he was laying out in the sun.

Giraffes are one of my favorite animals.  I stood there for quite awhile watching them.  They are such unique animals!

I loved the Meerkat in the middle of the photo. He just laid there flat on the ground while all of the others worked around him. It's like he had just given up!

Gorilla....need I say more!  He was the animal I was most excited to see :)

We came around a corner and there was a much better view of the elephants, thankfully!

The guy is a snow leopard.  Such a cool animal. Can you see how long his tail is!? The info board says they use their tails as scarves when in the snow.  So neat. Honeslty though, he looked a little malnourised.  It made me feel really bad.  I'm thinking the heat is not his thing.

Turtles!  C loves turtles, so we stood there for awhile.  These little guys were seriously "running" around their enclosure.  I've never seen turtles move like that before.  All three of them were constantly moving around!

Pretty flamingos :)

One of these things is not like the other...

The last "animal" at the zoo.....C! He was pretending to be some sort of monkey I believe.

Next up, wine tasting!
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  1. I love Zoos!!! :)

  2. my husband lived in santa barbara for a year before we were married and I got to visit him - it was so beautiful! I want to go back!



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