Monday, December 30, 2013


I realized this weekend that I never recapped my Disney trip!

For our office holiday party, we got to hit up the park. My coworkers and I flew to LA, dropped off our bags in our adorable themed rooms at the Disneyland Hotel and hit the park! I didn't get a ton of photos because my phone lost battery pretty quickly and I didn't event think to bring a camera.  Whoops.

Here are some (admittedly pretty terrible) detail shots from the hotel:

In the hotel smelled like gingerbread too!

This is one of my favorite Disney quotes!
All I can really say is that Disneyland is truly magical during the Christmas holidays.  There is "snow" on Cinderella's castle, holiday decorations everywhere, the Haunted Mansion is overtaken by Jack Skellington and the "Nightmare Before Christmas" crew, main street smells like gingerbread, the characters wear holiday attire and even "It's a Small World" was covered in lights (or so I've heard....I didn't get to see that part).

Nothing beats the end of the day though. Seriously.  I can't get over it. It was truly magical. I know that sounds so cliche, but its the truth. The fireworks display is set to Christmas music, which is just lovely.  Then at the very end, once the finale is over, it starts snowing. There are little black boxes that start spitting out bubbles that smell light gingerbread as "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" playing in the background. Truly magical.
Terrible photo.....but you can see the "snow"

I want to go back with C during the holidays soooooo bad.  It's just not the same with co-workers haha.

I would highly suggest the Disneyland parks around the Christmas holiday!
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Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of family and fun.

I thought today I’d share a bit of my holiday with you since I really didn’t do any Christmas posts!

First up are our holiday cards!  Tiny Prints had so many amazing choices I couldn’t even pick my favorite….so I went with two.  I chose this one and this one.

I love how the first one turned out….but the second, goofy one, wasn’t what I was hoping for at all. We were rushed on creating a photo and just went with what we had. I knew we could have made it way better!  I’ve been writing “wishing you a good ole’ american redneck Christmas” on the envelopes to help people get it too haha. I’m wearing a onesie in the pic….but you can’t even tell.

Next up, our tree!  C let me get these adorable leopard print bulbs this year.  He actually liked them…ssshhhh don’t tell! It's only a half tree...we are sneaky and put it on a table so it looks full size!
This is our Christmas ornament for the year.  C purchased it as his new job and the theme had significance for me as well.  When I was younger, I danced in Ballet Arizona’s production of the Nutcracker :) I was an angel and I absolutely loved it!
Speaking of the nutcracker… brother took my mom and I last Friday night.  Not only did he just get us tickets, he got us seats fit for a queen.  Or Abe Lincoln seats, which is what I like to call them!  He really spoiled us.
 The show was great and made me miss being in it! The angels were definitely different after all of these years. They have super elaborate angel wings instead of the little puffy gold things we had strapped to our backs!
Not a great pic....but you can see their wings!
Finally, here is a photo of our Christmas jammies!  I wanted to start some new traditions for C and I so I decided we should get new Christmas jammies, drink hot chocolate and watch a Christmas-y movie every year.  We watched Love Actually (really a great movie) and drank a bottle of wine instead hehe.
We also got new onesies for Christmas eve.  Here's a pic of C and I with my brother.  I can decide who looks better!  I mean, my brothers onesie is fantastic, but a 6'4 football player in a onesie? Can't really beat that!

My brother likes to be "funny" with his gifts.  Last year he made a poster board of over 200 pictures of him and I had to tear off each one in order to find 8 gift cards taped to a few of them.  It took me quite awhile!  This year he used 6 rolls of duct tape to create a brick present that I had to undo and made a "cake" out of dollar bills. Needless to say my arms were sore at the end of it!

And I'll leave you with parents neighbors lawn decoration.  Just screams Christmas doesn't it??

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and got everything they wanted! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Starbox Review - December

Merry Christmas!!!  Hope everyone's day is full of joy and family. 
Time to show you my December’s Starbox!  I was really excited about this month’s box because they were advertising that it was going to have a $99 eye shadow palette in it. Oh man, they did not disappoint!

If you don’t remember, Starbox is a monthly beauty box that is $15 a month (plus a few dollars S&H) and comes with 3-4 FULL SIZED products each time.  No tiny lotion samples!

The website says the makeup line is comparable to MAC, Chanel, Sephora and other department store lines.  It also says that the value of each monthly box ranges from $35.00 to $99.00.

So here we go….the December Starbox! 
  1. Starlooks Pro Pallet 15es9 “New Year’s Eve 2014”– .8 oz. (FULL SIZE)
You guys, this palette is amazing! The colors are gorgeous!!! I was so in love when I first opened the package.  I had seen other palettes on their site that I wasn’t too sure about, but this one is absolutely amazing.  It has the perfect mix of light and dark, color and neutral, matte and shimmery.

I decided to do this one a little different so you could see each of the colors on my skin.

Here is the first row:
And the second row:
And finally the third:
I don’t even know which colors are my favorites!  I guess if I had to choose I would say the 4th color (bronze) on the second row and the middle (gold) color on the last row!

Final Cost: $17.58
Final Value: $99.00

Oh man, I absolutely adored this box! I know it’s only technically one item, but hello, its worth $99!  I hope so of you signed up for the December box already so you could get this palette too!

What do you think?

Also, a new thing they announced is now loyal subscribers will automatically receive a free subscriber exclusive gift worth $35 every three months!  So if I keep subscribing, I will get a bonus gift in February and then again in March. That alone convinced me to stick with this box for a while longer. I am sure those gifts will be worth it!

If you’d like to try Starbox you can sign up here!

(Also, I swear I’m not a review blog….I just like sharing these fun things! I have not been compensated for this review.)

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Monday, December 23, 2013

These Are My Confessions

Soooo….I have a few makeup confessions to make! I know I may seem like I know it all since I am totally addicted to purchasing and talking about beauty products, but it’s not the truth.

I am pretty simple and set in my ways when it comes to my makeup. I haven't really changed much of what I do or wear in years!

  1. I do my eyeshadow the same way - Every. Single. Time. Yes, I always switch up the colors I use but I use the same basic pattern.  Dark shadow on the outside of my eyelid, light shadow across the inner and middle lid, and then a medium (usually brighter) color in between the mid and outer lid. 

                      Kind of like this:

  1. I have no clue what the heck to do with primer – I have several foundation primers that I have tried before putting on foundation and I just don’t get the point of them. In fact, they seem to totally ruin my foundation instead. It gets all globby and I end up having to take it off and starting again…sans primer.  Am I doing it wrong?  What is the point of this stuff?
  1. Speaking of foundation, I am really clueless on the stuff – I don’t know my color, I don’t have a favorite brand, I don’t even use any nice brands. When mine runs out, I usually just go to CVS and buy the cheapest one!  For a while I was using tinted moisturizer, but I’ve kind of switched from that.  Help!  What is a good, decently priced foundation to use? Or are BB creams better?
  1. You already know this….I can’t use an eye pencil – I just can’t ever get the darn thing to draw a line on my eyelid! Gel liner is my jam.

Ok....I spilled the beans. Now its your turn!  Do you have any makeup confessions?!?
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Friday, December 20, 2013

Pretty Little Beauty Swap Reveal and Link Up #2

It’s time for our second Pretty Little Beauty Swap reveal and link up!

So…..did you guys have fun this time around?

I sure did!

As you know from a previous post, I was paired with the lovely Jessa from Life of a Sports Wife! Not only did we do our swap, but we also had an awesome blate of dinner and the PAC 12 Championship game between Arizona State and Stanford!

But since I have already talked about that, I thought I would finally tell you how our swap went!

Jessa and I met up at my favorite restaurant here in Scottsdale called Sauce (Pizza and Wine). Oh man is it tasty.  That’s not the point though!  After we had chowed down, we decided it was time to swap.

She handed over a cute canvas bag and I was definitely surprised. All this for me?!?

I am not going to go into detail about everything she gave me so here is a picture! 
My favorite thing is the bright pink MAC eyeshadow she gave me.  She actually told me she wore this on her wedding day! How fun is that? I made sure she was ok with giving it away though, no worries!

Not only did she give me all the great beauty stuff above, she also cleaned out her jewelry drawer and gave it to me!  She told me it was totally fine if I didn’t keep some of the things too.  I kept a lot of it though and I am excited to add it to my collection!
The rest went my coworkers daughter and I am sure she loved it!

Check it all out!

I had a great time with this swap and I am so excited to have met a new friend who lives so close!

How did the swap go for you? I can’t wait to see what everyone got!!!

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ipsy Bag Review - December

Best time of the month is here….Ipsy time!

This is seriously the best bag out there, especially for such a low price.  If you are looking to start a beauty subscription, I would definitely try Ipsy first.

As you know this box is $10 a month….how can you not go for it?
 Without further ado….the December Ipsy bag! This bag had a theme of "Celebration!"

  1. NYX Lipstick in Iris  - .14 oz. (FULL SIZE)
I am a little bummed about the color of this lipstick.  It’s so close to one I just received….but with a hint of sparkle. I love lip products, but I just don’t see myself using this one much. Hopefully one of my Pretty Little Beauty Swap matches will like it!
            Full Size: $4.00 My Value: $4.00

  1. Pop Beauty Eye Shadow Trio in Smokin’ Hot - .15 oz. (FULL SIZE)
Ahhh! I love this! The colors are perfect! Great smoky eye colors!  Can’t say much more about this except I am so happy I got it!
Full Size: $24.00 (for a palette of 10 shades) My Value: $7.20

  1. Nicka K Nailpolish in Ripe Apple - .5 oz. (FULL SIZE)
Oh hey look, it’s a red nail polish.  It’s not like I have gotten several of these in the past few months. Geez.  This bums me out.  I wish I used nail polish more….I’d probably love getting these in my beauty box! Maybe I will give this one a shot, just for the holidays.
Full Size: $4.99  My Value: $4.99

    4.   Be a Bombshell The One Stick in Flustered – .26 oz. (FULL SIZE)
Ugh. Yet another red color.  I am soooo bummed about this!  Why is every beauty box sending out multiple red products this winter.  I know it’s the trend, but its way too many!  I think I would have really liked this product if it were in a different color.  This red is just too orangey for my complexion. I looked like a clown when I tried it as a lip product.  I still have to try it as a blush…hopefully that will look ok.
Full Size: $16.00  My Value: $16.00

    5.  English Laundry Signature Perfume in Pour Homme & Pour Femme –.17 oz. each
Um these smell amazing and this month’s bag is worth it for these alone!  I took me forever to figure out that they sent one for men and one for women.  So….C wins on this one too!  I would seriously consider buying the women’s fragrance if I didn’t have so many perfumes already, it smells amazing.
Full Size: $72.00 1.7 oz. My Value:$7.20 per vial, $14.40 total

Final Cost: $10.00
Final Value: $46.59

Well I think the items in this bag were hit or miss with me.  I really loved the eye shadow trio and the perfume, but I was bummed about the colors of the lip products and I just plain don’t like nail polish.

That doesn’t mean I’m still not madly in love with Ipsy though! I still think it’s the best thing out there as far as beauty boxes!  I tried to do more reviews on their site this time, hopefully they will stop sending me colors I just don’t care for.

Also, I was thinking, maybe some of you guys would like the colors that I don’t?  Would you be interested in giveaways for products I don’t think I’ll use?

If you’d like to give it a try…..use my referral link?  Pretty please?  :)

(Also, I swear I’m not a review blog….I just like sharing these things in hopes that other people will get to have the same fun that I do!  I am not compensated in any way.)

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Pet Peeves

Do you guys have any weird pet peeves?  I certainly do. Things like:

I CANNOT stand it if people put silverware in the dishwasher upside down (meaning the fork tongs or spoon part stick up instead of down in the basket).  I just don’t get this.  I mean, in order to get all of the silverware out and into the drawer you have to out your germy hands all over the parts you put in your mouth!  This just doesn’t make any sense to me!

Why do you do this?
 I hate when people use their turn signal incorrectly. Turning in on half way through your turn is not useful people!  It’s supposed to warn me of what you are about to do….not what you are already doing! Why even use it?
Use this BEFORE you turn people!
It drives me nuts when people respond to an email or text but only respond to half of what you asked about.  Then you have to send yet another email/text with the same dang question in it as the first time. Ugh.

Also, why the heck do people wear sunglasses in buildings or at night? Is it supposed to make you look cool?  Because in my mind, you don't! There was a lady in front of me at the football game wearing her sunglasses the other was 9pm for godness sakes!
Maybe it's just cool?
Finally....not fully using a container of something before opening a new one!  OMG C does this all the time!  There are tons of half to almost empty lotion bottles lying around.  He never finishes a freakin bottle before starting a new one. Ugh! It drives me bonkers!  
This is what too many lotion bottles lying around looks like!
Please tell me I am not alone on the weird pet peeve thing!

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Office Holiday Parties

Soooo…..I am currently on my way to one of my favorite places on earth, Disneyland!

Last year my office merged with another office in California to make the “Southwest Region” and let me tell you, since then, things have been (mostly) great!

For our holiday party last year, they flew us to LA, put us up in the Hilton next to Universal Studios and we spent the evening  at this great place called the Magic Castle. There were a bunch of different rooms all over a castle where magicians are wowing you with their tricks. Not to mention, the drinks were a flowin! Apparently it is owned by Neil Patrick Harris himself. Sadly though, he wasn't there :(

This year, our party is at Disneyland!  We are flying over to LA in the morning, have a park hopper pass for the whole day and then we are having dinner in the evening.  Then we all have a room booked at THE Disneyland hotel! I am so incredibly excited!

I have never seen Disneyland around Christmas time and I have heard it’s just magical.  There are sooo many decorations and they even make it “snow” with bubbles.  Eeek! I can’t wait!

I mean how much better could a holiday party get?!? We used to go to dinner at places like Buca di Beppo...we are definitely moving up in the world!

What are you doing for your office holiday party this year?
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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It’s a Blate!

So this weekend I got to do something super awesome…..I had a blate with Jessa of Life of A Sports Wife!  Not only did we get to hang out, have lunch and do our Pretty Little Beauty Swap exchange (I’ll share more on that later), we got to go to the PAC 12 Championship game between my alma mater Arizona State and Stanford!

Jessa and I were paired up for the Pretty Little Beauty Swap that I host. I may or may not have purposely paired us up together because I knew we would get along great….and we did!  Not only does she love sports and live in Arizona, she lives only a mile away from me!  How crazy is that?!? She also once worked for the Arena Football League (that C plays in) which I thought was fun.
Heading to my first blate!

Anywho, we met up for an early dinner/late lunch.  I mean, what do you call a meal at 3:30 in the afternoon?!?  Then we headed over to the game.

Hangin out with Sparky!
The atmosphere was electric!  The students had camped out for days just to get good tickets, so obviously they were pumped. And so was I!  It wasn’t just a regular ole’ game, it was the PAC 12 Championship game!

Of course I had to add Standfords weird tree mascot!
I wish I could report a good outcome, but alas, ASU did not do so great. In fact, it was pretty terrible. About halfway through I began to lose hope :(  It would have really been great if they had won….they would have ended up playing C’s team (Michigan State) in the Rose Bowl!  It would have been our first “house divided” experience.

I had so much fun! Thank you Jessa for inviting me!

I’m pretty sure this will go down in history as the most awesome first blate ever!

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